Turn talk into action

Meet Embra, the AI copilot that organizes your team’s communications & tracks what’s important. Save time and solve the game of telephone.

Icon depicting a chat bubble for 'Chat with top models' feature, highlighted to emphasize AI model interaction capabilities in business applications on macOS.
AI chat
Icon depicting a chat bubble for 'Chat with top models' feature, highlighted to emphasize AI model interaction capabilities in business applications on macOS.
Feature icon for 'Advanced graph memory' showing interconnected nodes, symbolizing powerful data structuring and recall capabilities in AI SaaS products.
Advanced graph memory
Icon representing automated meeting notes indicating the AI's ability to auto-generate meeting summaries, enhancing productivity on both Mac and Web platforms."
Automated meeting notes
Icon for document templates feature, suggesting efficiency in document creation with ready-to-use formats available for Mac and Web users
Document templates
Icon at the end of the series denoting availability of the AI SaaS product on both Mac and Web platforms, ensuring cross-platform accessibility.
On Mac & Web
Icon symbolizing workflows with interconnected flowchart elements, representing streamlined process automation in AI business tools.
All models
Action items panel from the customer discovery meeting noting tasks such as sending a follow-up email, adding a summary to weekly reports, sending updates through Slack, and extracting core insights, demonstrating task automation and integration capabilities in the business tool.
Screenshot of the meeting details interface highlighting 'Customer Discovery Call' with Acme Co. displaying the date and duration of the meeting, located in the Meetings tab of an AI SaaS platform designed for businesses on a Mac.Detailed summary section of a customer discovery call, including company information on Acme Co., noting their headquarters in San Francisco and New York and describing the company as a mid-sized startup with 30 employees, enhancing understanding of client background.Visual interface showing two participants, 'Ellen Tremblay' and 'Edmond Strosin,' with their photos and names extracted from the meeting, showcasing AI’s facial recognition and data extraction features for enhanced meeting analytics.nteractive AI-powered chat box featuring a query from Hannah Olson asking about Ellen's previous questions, showing AI's capability to recall past meeting details, as part of an efficient business management tool.Action items panel from the customer discovery meeting noting tasks such as sending a follow-up email, adding a summary to weekly reports, sending updates through Slack, and extracting core insights, demonstrating task automation and integration capabilities in the business tool.Action items panel from the customer discovery meeting noting tasks such as sending a follow-up email, adding a summary to weekly reports, sending updates through Slack, and extracting core insights, demonstrating task automation and integration capabilities in the business tool.Action items panel from the customer discovery meeting noting tasks such as sending a follow-up email, adding a summary to weekly reports, sending updates through Slack, and extracting core insights, demonstrating task automation and integration capabilities in the business tool.Action items panel from the customer discovery meeting noting tasks such as sending a follow-up email, adding a summary to weekly reports, sending updates through Slack, and extracting core insights, demonstrating task automation and integration capabilities in the business tool.
Meeting Details Section  "Screenshot of the meeting details interface highlighting 'Customer Discovery Call' with Acme Co. displaying the date and duration of the meeting, located in the Meetings tab of an AI SaaS platform designed for businesses on a Mac." Summary Section  "Detailed summary section of a customer discovery call, including company information on Acme Co., noting their headquarters in San Francisco and New York and describing the company as a mid-sized startup with 30 employees, enhancing understanding of client background." Customer Interaction Chat Box  "Interactive AI-powered chat box featuring a query from Hannah Olson asking about Ellen's previous questions, showing AI's capability to recall past meeting details, as part of an efficient business management tool." Action Items and Automation Options  "Action items panel from the customer discovery meeting noting tasks such as sending a follow-up email, adding a summary to weekly reports, sending updates through Slack, and extracting core insights, demonstrating task automation and integration capabilities in the business tool." Extracted Participants from Meeting  "Visual interface showing two participants, 'Ellen Tremblay' and 'Edmond Strosin,' with their photos and names extracted from the meeting, showcasing AI’s facial recognition and data extraction features for enhanced meeting analytics."
Screenshot of the meeting details interface highlighting 'Customer Discovery Call' with Acme Co. displaying the date and duration of the meeting, located in the Meetings tab of an AI SaaS platform designed for businesses on a Mac.Interactive AI-powered chat box featuring a query from Hannah Olson asking about Ellen's previous questions, showing AI's capability to recall past meeting details, as part of an efficient business management tool.Action items panel from the customer discovery meeting noting tasks such as sending a follow-up email, adding a summary to weekly reports, sending updates through Slack, and extracting core insights, demonstrating task automation and integration capabilities in the business tool

Beyond a note taker

It's impossible to track every important detail across meetings, email, and slack. Embra cuts through the information overload to learn your business.

Conversation Copilot

Get perfect notes you'll actually use

  • Customize notes to fit your style and agenda
  • Save only high-quality takeaways and instantly share them with your team
  • Turn generic summaries into actionable and consistent notes
Interface segment displaying a daily schedule with three distinct meetings: 'Daily Standup' from 10:00 to 10:30 AM, highlighted 'Customer Discovery Call' from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM, and '1x1 with Shelby' from 12:00 to 1:00 PM. Each meeting is color-coded for distinct visibility, emphasizing organization and planning in a business management tool.
Interface segment displaying a daily schedule with three distinct meetingsDetailed panel for 'Customer Discovery Call,' showing unpopulated fields for summary, customer pain points, and action items. This section is depicted as part of a sophisticated task and meeting management interface designed to capture comprehensive details during business interactions.
Memory Engine

Track work and surface insights

  • Link calls, docs, and data in Embra's powerful graph memory
  • Auto-organize the important details
  • Uncover trends, insights, and patterns with weekly generated reports
Structured flowchart from a User Research Meeting interface, showcasing three main categories: Pain Points, People, and Next Steps. The 'People' section displays participants including Sandy Muller, Ellen Tremblay, and Edmond Strosin with their respective profile pictures. Icons next to Edmond Strosin indicate completed action items, emphasizing the interactive and organized method to track meeting details and follow-ups in a user-focused business environment
Workflow Engine

Automate tasks that are falling through the cracks

  • Schedule follow-ups, reminders, and next steps instantly after meetings
  • Tailor workflows to perform your most common tasks
  • Stay on top of work and free time for deep work
Detailed layout of a Workflow Engine interface titled 'Automate tasks that are falling through the cracks'. The left side lists key features of the engine such as scheduling follow-ups, tailoring workflows, and freeing up time for deep work. The right side displays a visual flowchart starting with a '1x1 with Tony' meeting, linked to automated next steps including sending a Slack notification to the Marketing team, followed by a follow-up email to Tony, and finally updating a 1x1 notes template. This arrangement emphasizes the engine's capability to streamline and automate post-meeting tasks, enhancing productivity in business operations
Interface showing 'Conversation Copilot' with benefits like customizable notes and a daily schedule view highlighting a 'Customer Discovery Call
Conversation Copilot

Get exactly what you need from every meeting

  • Customize notes to fit your style and agenda
  • Easily review the important details
  • Notes become actionable and consistent
Interface of 'Memory Engine' showcasing features to store and recall data, illustrated with network nodes and links
Conversation Copilot

Connect the dots across all your comms

  • Notes automatically organize themselves so you don't have to
  • Easily explore data and discover trends in your meetings
  • Make data-informed decisions easier than ever before
Workflow Engine interface displaying automated task flow starting with a '1x1 with Tony', emphasizing efficiency
Conversation Copilot

Automate your meeting's next steps and win back time

  • Simple automation that gets the job done
  • Workflows that easily integrate with your most used tools
  • Get actions items take care of in half the time
Interface showing 'Conversation Copilot' with benefits like customizable notes and a daily schedule view highlighting a 'Customer Discovery Call
Conversation Copilot

Perfect notes you'll actually use

  • Customize notes to fit your style and agenda
  • Save only high-quality takeaways
  • Turn generic summaries into actionable and consistent notes
Interface of 'Memory Engine' showcasing features to store and recall data, illustrated with network nodes and links
Conversation Copilot

Connect the dots across all your comms

  • Notes automatically organize themselves so you don't have to
  • Easily explore data and discover trends in your meetings
  • Make data-informed decisions easier than ever before
Workflow Engine interface displaying automated task flow starting with a '1x1 with Tony', emphasizing efficiency
Conversation Copilot

Takeaways are connected to where you need them

  • Link notes automatically to people, projects, and tools
  • Navigate and update CRMs, Project Trackers, and Spreadsheets effortlessly
  • Uncover trends, insights, and patterns faster than ever

How Embra works

Embra adapts to your work style in 3 simple steps to become your ideal AI copilot.

Customer discovery
1x1 meetings
User research

Dig into customer discovery calls and get to product-market fit faster


Customize templates.

Screenshot of a business tool interface titled 'Discovery Call with Prospect - Jenna'. The screen includes sections like 'About them', 'Business Models', 'Decision-Making Processes', and 'Budget Constraints'. Additionally, it features participant thumbnails indicative of a video call interface, portraying a realistic business interaction setting


Uncover hidden patterns.

Graphic displaying 'Customer insights discovered this week', summarizing key findings from recent business meetings. It presents bullet points related to the integration with existing systems, financial limitations,and budget allocations affecting pricing strategies. Each point includes icons and numerical indicators like '5 pain points', '2 meetings', ensuring a quick visual assessment of critical business insights.


Launch next steps instantly.

User interface showing 'Action Items' for business strategy refinement, including tasks like 'Business model experimentation', 'Presentation refinement', and 'Trend analysis'. Each action item comes with options to accept or dismiss, promoting task management efficiency and decision-making in business operations. This is designed to facilitate immediate operational responses and strategic adjustments.

Stay in the loop with your team with half the effort


Customize templates.

interface of a 1x1 meeting overview with Amanda, featuring sections for Summary, Action Items, Project Status, Blockers, and Next Steps detailed post the meeting discussion. The summary notes that 'Ellen and Amanda met to discuss the brand refresh and next steps.' The layout is user-friendly with accessible options for deeper dive into each section.


Uncover hidden patterns.

Screenshot showing a Weekly Report text editor where Ellen is summarizing her 1x1 meetings with Amanda, emphasizing the impact of decisions on marketing strategies. The top conversation snippet displays a chat interaction between Ellen and the AI assistant Embra, discussing the outcomes of a recent meeting and planned updates to the marketing team about branding changes by Monday.


Launch next steps instantly.

Graphic representation of Automated Next Steps in a task management app detailing a sequence that starts from adding to weekly reminders, followed by sending a follow-up Slack message, updating a 1x1 Notion page, and emailing the marketing team lead, ending with a completion checkmark. This flowchart-like visualization illustrates efficient task automation post-meeting
Close-up view of a conversation bubble in a business communication platform between Ellen and the AI assistant Embra. Ellen queries about decisions from last week's meeting, and Embra replies detailing that Ellen will update the marketing team about branding changes by Monday, demonstrating AI support in tracking and reminding of vital tasks.

Track customer feedback easier than ever before


Customize templates.

Detailed user interface of a User Research Call with Lorena, showing a video call window with Lorena waving, and various sections like User Behavior, Usability Challenges, Feature Wish-List, and Performance Feedback. Notable text mentions usability challenges during sign-up processes, demonstrating interactive feedback collection in a business tool's interface.


Uncover hidden patterns.

Interface displaying a summary of insights discovered during the week, focusing on user feedback and needs. Key issues presented include users seeking more features for the current price point and finding the onboarding process too long due to detailed authorization steps, aiding in quick overview and understanding of customer feedback patterns.


Launch next steps instantly.

Flowchart of automated next steps after a user research meeting, showing tasks such as sending a thank you email to Jenna, adding insights to a weekly report, updating user information in a CRM, and sending an update to the team via Slack. The visual ends with a green checkmark indicating all tasks have been completed, demonstrating the tool's efficiency in automating follow-up processes.
Pop-up notification displaying a specific user insight regarding the onboarding process being too long with a detailed explainer that identity authorization steps are causing user drop-off during sign-up. Includes an 'Accept' button, illustrating actionable feedback within the business tool for immediate acceptance or further action

Do more with less

Embra combines top AI tools into one powerful product.
Harness AI's full potential without juggling multiple subscriptions.

A digital search bar interface displaying three app icons: a red asterisk, a green intertwined knot, and a blue infinity symbol, showcasing software features for enhanced productivity. The search bar text prompt 'How can I help?' indicates user-friendly AI assistance.

Chat with every top AI model

Access the top LLMs in Embra & ditch juggling multiple tools. You should be able to use your data with any of the best models.

Composite screenshot of an AI software system showcasing multiple panels: a main window displays a 'Discovery Call with Jenna,' summarizing key information, while a smaller chat panel on the right offers AI-supported chatting for quick business intelligence retrieval, illustrating a multi-tasking workspace.

Access Embra anywhere

For the most powerful experience, download our Mac app. No Mac? No Problem. You can still access Embra on the web and on your phone.

Screenshot showing a video call interface with two participants, Melissa and Tina, and a floating chat window where AI assistant 'Embra' provides prompt business data retrieval, enhancing virtual collaboration by integrating communication with intelligent support.

Instantly utilize your company's knowledge

Tap into your company's collective data on demand. Embra's memory engine delivers critical info in seconds.

A detailed personal profile page for 'Johnnie Wolff,' displaying his job title, contact information, and a clickable option to add to a digital memory or network, showcasing features of an AI-enhanced business networking tool.

Easily scrape information from your browser

Integrate Embra with your browser to instantly capture and store details in real-time.

Chat interface showing team communication with commands to an AI assistant 'Embra' for creating meeting summaries and generating business-related documents, demonstrating integration of AI in team collaboration tools to streamline information management.

Collaborate with your team

Share data, chats, docs, & more with Embra's in depth team features. If a single human working with AI is powerful, what about a team?

Dashboard showing a grid of command task cards such as 'Generate bug report,' 'Summarize my meetings from last week,' and 'Draft LinkedIn Message,' indicating a versatile AI assistance platform that helps manage diverse business operations.

Save and automate your favorite prompts

Access and create prompts effortlessly with Embra's workflow menu. Build a powerful library of custom prompts using advanced features.

Works with all of your tools

A series of logos for Google meet, zoom, google calendar, chrome, gmail, slack, and notion

Thousands run on Embra

"Embra has been a game-changer for me and my team. It's like having a personal assistant that understands my work style, anticipates my needs and provides solutions even before I realize I need them."

Jeremy Cai

CEO, Italic

"Embra is a fantastic tool that has simplified all my daily tasks. It's always on my desktop alongside my every day apps, ready whenever needed. Plus, I deeply appreciate how the team constantly improves it based on feedback. "

Andre Pennycooke

VP Design, Dave

"Embra has proven to be an invaluable tool, delivering fast and informative response that surpass other Mac AI tools. Its customizable language models, integrations, and seamless Chrome integration make it stand out."

Brian Cometa

Owner, $300 Data Recovery

Used by people at

A series of logos for Google meet, zoom, google calendar, chrome, gmail, slack, and notion


Who has access to my data?

All memories created with Embra are saved within your Workspace. You have complete control over what's shared or kept private.

Does Embra sell any of my data?

Nope. The only person we make your data easily accessible to is you.

Is Embra free?

Embra's Meeting Copilot is free to get started with but only functions like most other meeting assistants. For the full tool, we provide paid plans with more powerful memory features that you can explore on our pricing page.

Get started with Embra today